Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Next time...

Well... last week I spent a good amount of time scrubbing the walls after the previous explosion, so time for some conclusions. Apparently the foam which rises during fermentation causing everything to blow off is called Krausen, as explained here.

My thoughts are that in an attempt to make a more alcoholic beer by increasing the amount of malt, I may have doomed myself. The yeast was busier due to the extra sugars to consume and hence there was more krausen; to the point where even the plastic carboy could no longer take it.

If I were to try the same recipe in the future, I might get a slightly larger carboy so that there's more space for the krausen to rise.  I'd also definitely want to try a blowoff tube setup.

However sometimes disasters are unavoidable even for the best of us; as can be seen in the following set up images from /r/homebrewing: http://imgur.com/a/DYlo6 ... an exploded fermentation tank that makes my losses pale in comparison.

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