Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I've always been a beer person. Being half Czech, it's in my blood. I've always loved microbrews, and started visiting a lot of microbrew festivals which are always amazing!

I tried micro-brewing about 4-5 years ago with a Mr. Beer Kit and slightly more advanced brewing kit, which turned out well both times; but for some reason I chose not to pursue it further. However, recently my family was cleaning out their house and stumbled upon the remaining primary fermentor and gave me to option of picking it up or tossing it out. Hence, I took the former and threw it in my trunk.

I let it sit there and roll around for a few weeks until I got tired of hearing it thud when I'd take a sharp turn, and decided to start brewing again. A decision to master the art of brewing, to the point where I can experiment and shape the way I want my beer to taste. I've got a lot to learn, so I've gotta get my practice in. Since there, I've become addicted to homebrewing and have created a nut brown, celtic red, peach weiss, and experimental malt only beverage with many more on the way.

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