Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today I'm Drinking: Not Yet Sunburnt Red

It's been a while since I've written a 'Today I'm Drinking' segment although there are more than enough possibilities to write of. However, I'll focus on what's currently the most standard beer in my arsenal until some of the summer beers are good to go: Not Yet Sunburnt Red (Irish red), recipe courtesy of the Midwest Supplies Living Social starter kit deal.

The recipe can be found here. As mentioned, it came along as part of the promotional deal from Midwest so there wasn't too much thought or investment on my end. There were several recipe options to pick from but I've had good experiences with reds and ambers, so that seemed like the natural choice.

Not Yet Sunburnt Red... soon though!

I'd go into great detail about how this tastes except I can't. It's really bitter. Really bitter! So much so that any other flavor is masked by the hops. It's not a floral hoppiness either. It's quite surprising to me as the recipe consisted of only 1 oz Cascade and 1 oz Fuggles(later in the boil), which sounds reasonable. Cascade has only about ~5% alpha acid and fuggles is around ~5% too, which are both quite low. I don't recall how long I boiled the cascade hops, but that may be the culprit if I left it going for too long.

Although I may seem bitter about the results (sorry, couldn't resist), I'm actually quite pleased with the Not Yet Sunburnt Red. It's very drinkable, not too heavy, and seems like something a lot of microbrews might make.

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